Environmental Management and Policy


CAREC projects are implemented within several programme areas. Each CAREC programme has certain goals, group of partners, and time lines, and is related to other CAREC projects and developments taking place on the global and regional levels.

The goal: Introduce the new approaches to environmental management in Central Asia; further implement the Central Asian Initiative for Sustainable Development; support the» Environment for Europe” process.

Areas of activities:

Assessment of the state of the environment;
Environmental legislation enforcement;
Funding of environmental activities;
Support local initiatives/local environmental protection action plans;
Promote sustainable production and consumption;
Facilitate inter-sectoral integration.


International Conference on Sustainable Development and Environmental Integration in Central Asia
Local Environmental Action Plans (LEAP)
Project “Promoting Replication of Good Practices for Nutrient Reduction and Joint Collaboration in Central and Eastern Europe”
Pilot Project in Central Asia on Payments for Ecosystem Services
Side Event “When markets improve the environment: PES”
PES: Best practices and lessons in the U.S. and CA