Project name: Promoting Adaption and Mitigation Strategies on Climate Change in Central Asia
Donor: BMU-German Federal Ministry for Environment
Partner: DIW econ
Project period: 01.08.2010 – 31.03.2011
Territory: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
Project aimed at strengthening the capacities of the Central Asian republics, by developing a common understanding of the further negotiation process so as to enable the states of the Central Asian region to develop common positions on important negotiation issues and to promote regional interests, when developing new and revising existing national development strategies (sectoral programs, plans, etc.).
Training activities were identified as the most efficient way to meet the aforementioned objective. The project team held two regional workshops that addressed international climate negotiation procedures, explored ways to coordinate climate change adaptation initiatives and discussed options for the development of climate change mitigation strategies. Among other issues, the project dealt with the potential and the strategic relevance of energy efficiency and renewable energy development in relation to regional cap-and-trade programs.
Project results: